Fighting fraud to Protect You
Fraud inflates costs and premiums, we therefore are committed to protecting the honest motorists, and by doing so deliver the best prices to our customers.
We take our responsibility to tackle insurance fraud very seriously, and we go to great lengths to try to identify fraud wherever it is committed, investigating every case thoroughly, and take whatever action is needed to ensure that people do not benefit from committing fraud. Where we prove fraud we will cancel policies, repudiate claims and pursue the fraudster in both the civil courts, and refer cases to the police.
We recognise that honest customers should not be impacted by the fraudulent activities of others, so we use sophisticated technology and highly trained staff to identify fraud as quickly as possible.
We use a number of industry databases, as well as (in some circumstances) requesting additional information from our customers, to ensure that all people that are applying for our products are who they say they are and are disclosing their correct risks details, in order to take out insurance with us.
We also use these databases at claims stage to ensure that all claims are genuine and the amount being claimed is not exaggerated. If we detect fraudulent behaviour, we will record this on shared industry databases.
To help us fight fraud we validate claims and policy information carefully. To help us distinguish honest customers from fraudsters we may request documents from you. When we do so, please help us fight fraud by supplying the requested information.
By fighting fraud we can provide competitively priced products on the best possible terms for our customers and reduce the need for your premiums to subsidise those who are not as honest.
We appreciate that honest customers and members of the public want to see action against fraudsters, if you have a concern about fraud, please email us on [email protected]. Alternatively, you may report insurance fraud, via Insurance Fraud Bureau Cheatline or